Are you in need of some extra cash? Or better yet who couldn't use an extra couple hundred dollars? Well go around that house and find those phones you and your family previously upgraded from and come bring them to us!
We buy iPhones and Samsungs and we give you cash on the spot!
Here's an example to clarify:
Sally and her husband both upgraded to the iPhone Xs and Xs Max from their iPhone 8 Pluses from last year. They hear about us and bring them to us for an instant quote, we inspect and check the phone and within 5 minutes give them a quote, they agree to our quote and we give them cash right there on the spot.
So if you have cell phones laying around the house bring them to us for a free quote!
We also pay top dollar for new in box phones, so if you have an unwanted gift or such come bring it to us and trade it in for cash.
We buy iPhone Xs max, iPhone Xs, iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8/8 Plus, iPhone 7 / 7 plus and more!
On the Samsung side we are now buying Samsung Galaxy Fold, Samsung Galaxy s10 / s10 plus, S9 ,S9 Plus, s8 / S8 plus and more!!!
Tags: cash for phones, iphone trade in, sell iphone for cash, samsung repair